Speed for Diagnosis

Toshiba Aquilion 64
The Aquilion 64 lifts the award winning Aquilion multi-slice CT platform to a new benchmark. It is twice as fast as a 32 detector row CT system and comes with workflow-enhancing software that delivers unsurpassed image quality, improved dose management and superior patient care. In a single breath-hold of 6-10 seconds, the Aquilion 64 can capture superior, precise images of the heart to help early detection of heart diseases.
Prime Features
Sample Scans
Support Manuals
Prime Features
- Dynamic Balancing Technology
- High Image Resolution
- Two Pole Comfort Structure
- Auto Patient Handling
Sample Scans
Support Manuals
Product Manual Document
A compilation of industry / product specific layouts, guidelines and best practice hyperlinks for reference:
AERB Guidelines — Layout