The enlightened choice for high-field MRI

Echelon Smart - 1.5 Tesla MRI
The concepts for ECHELON Smart are SmartQUALITY, SmartSPEED, SmartCOMFORT, SmartECO, and SmartSPACE. Boasting both extraordinary image quality and exquisitely smooth workflow performance, it also features quiet sound technology that helps deliver a more pleasant testing experience to the examinee, an energy-saving function that reduces running cost, and a flexible design that broadens its potential to be installed into spaces otherwise unable to accommodate traditionally-designed MRIs.
Prime Features
Sample Scans
Support Manuals
Prime Features
- Smart SPEED Technology – 1.5T superconducting system for a fast scanning
- Smart COMFORT Technology – great comfort and reduced anxiety
- Rich variety of advanced imaging features such as RADAR™,RAPID™, TIGRE™, TRAQ™, FLUTE™, VASC™ supporting every clinical challenge
- A wide range of sequences, covering all clinical MR imaging challenges
- HOSS™ (High Order Shimming System) for per-patient shimming, providing outstanding image quality with uncompromised patient comfort
- 1.5T superconducting system
- Powerful RF chain
- 50cm FOV in all axis
- High quality, whole body imaging applications that matter most to your practice
- Multiple coil connectors available on the motorized patient table for highly sensitive receiver coils
- Fully motorized patient table
- SoftSound™ Technology for silent gradients
- Smart COMFORT Technology
- Zero Boil Off
- Low energy consumption (Eco Mode)
- Small installation footprint
Sample Scans
Support Manuals
Product Brochure
A compilation of industry / product specific layouts, guidelines and best practice hyperlinks for reference:
AERB Guidelines — Layout
- Head and Neck Coil
- Flex Body Upper Coil
- WIT Spine Coil
- Shoulder coil
- Wrist coil
- Knee coil
- Breast Coil
- Foot and Ankle Coil
- 3 inch coil
- 9 inch coil